What is it you truly want?
Do you want more time to spend with your loved ones?
Do you want a happier life?
Do you want to be healthier or successful?…
There is a way for you to achieve it and is called a plan, a Plan to Success!
The trouble with other self-help courses is that they try to force you into a model that doesn’t always work for all. They tell you to see the world the way they want you to see it. They paint a picture so vivid, your soul yearns for it. But it’s often just another illusion designed to lure you into their world.
This is not like any of them.
I have walked a mile in your shoes. I understand what it’s like to try everything yet achieve nothing. So, I know exactly how sceptically you must be viewing this information.
It’s not your fault. Over the months of studying the gurus, of trying to emulate their success of following their advice, of investing in their information, barely a word of truth has emerged from their mouths. They want to tell you what to do, not how to do it.
You’re at the edge, and they just want to give you one more push to send you over. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
It can be better!
Where there’s now a blank canvas, you will see a beautiful painting. Where there is silence, now you can hear a symphony. This is what it’s like to truly understand the magical power that is within you.
And if your way’s not working, how about trying my way? You don’t need to do this the hard way. Because I’ve already trodden the path. I’ve paved the way for you to start attracting into your life everything you ever wanted.
So, if you feel stuck, like nothing’s working for you – take heart.
I have the shortcut to success right here…

You and Your Own Universe - The Book
You can find out more about my book by clicking here
Picture this
Instead of forcing yourself to eat fast and join the rush-hour, you could rise when you want and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.
Rather than enduring a workplace you hate, just trying to make it through to knock-off time, you could choose a career you’ll love to work on every day.
And instead of having to put up with relationships that don’t work, a level of fitness that isn’t ideal, or virtually any other area of your life – you could attract all the success and amazing results you deserve.
I know because this is what happened to me.
And it’s all thanks to the secret I discovered within the pages of books like Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Getting Rich, The Master Key System, The Way to Wealth, As a Man Thinketh, The Strangest Secret, The Power of Now, The Law of Success, The Magic of Believing, Feeling is The Secret and many more; programs like: The Abundance Paradigm, Born Rich, The Secret to Attracting Money, Master of Destiny, Thinking into Results and 6 Minutes to Success.
The secret is in Taking Action!
Every single one of the successful people Napoleon Hill spoke with (he interviewed over 500 of the richest people in America) was an action-taker.
And every single successful person I know in today’s world is an action-taker.
I am an action-taker! But not just any action… I’m talking about Massive Action. Don’t just take a small step towards your goals… Charge with all your might and do what it takes to achieve them.
That’s how winning is done!
You’ll suddenly gain the ability to create synchronicities that almost magically line up perfect situations – so it seems like the universe has your back, and bad luck becomes a thing of the past.
You’ll finally begin to create your own reality… and not only that, but for the first time you’ll be in full conscious control of the process, and you’ll call the shots as to exactly what you manifest in your life.
The best of all, you’ll finally be your own master, captain of your own ship, living a life that’s deliberately chosen based on what you want, rather than drifting aimlessly or caught up in drama and scarcity. You will be unleashed upon the world!
You’re at the edge, and they just want to give you one more push to send you over. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
It can be better!
Where there’s now a blank canvas, you will see a beautiful painting. Where there is silence, now you can hear a symphony. This is what it’s like to truly understand the magical power that is within you.
And if your way’s not working, how about trying my way? You don’t need to do this the hard way. Because I’ve already trodden the path. I’ve paved the way for you to start attracting into your life everything you ever wanted.
So, if you feel stuck, like nothing’s working for you – take heart.
I have the shortcut to success right here…
Picture this
Instead of forcing yourself to eat fast and join the rush-hour, you could rise when you want and enjoy a leisurely breakfast.
Rather than enduring a workplace you hate, just trying to make it through to knock-off time, you could choose a career you’ll love to work on every day.
And instead of having to put up with relationships that don’t work, a level of fitness that isn’t ideal, or virtually any other area of your life – you could attract all the success and amazing results you deserve.
I know because this is what happened to me.
And it’s all thanks to the secret I discovered within the pages of books like Think and Grow Rich, The Science of Getting Rich, The Master Key System, The Way to Wealth, As a Man Thinketh, The Strangest Secret, The Power of Now, The Law of Success, The Magic of Believing, Feeling is The Secret and many more; programs like: The Abundance Paradigm, Born Rich, The Secret to Attracting Money, Master of Destiny, Thinking into Results and 6 Minutes to Success.
The secret is in Taking Action!
Every single one of the successful people Napoleon Hill spoke with (he interviewed over 500 of the richest people in America) was an action-taker.
And every single successful person I know in today’s world is an action-taker.
I am an action-taker! But not just any action… I’m talking about Massive Action. Don’t just take a small step towards your goals… Charge with all your might and do what it takes to achieve them.
That’s how winning is done!
You’ll suddenly gain the ability to create synchronicities that almost magically line up perfect situations – so it seems like the universe has your back, and bad luck becomes a thing of the past.
You’ll finally begin to create your own reality… and not only that, but for the first time you’ll be in full conscious control of the process, and you’ll call the shots as to exactly what you manifest in your life.
The best of all, you’ll finally be your own master, captain of your own ship, living a life that’s deliberately chosen based on what you want, rather than drifting aimlessly or caught up in drama and scarcity. You will be unleashed upon the world!

You and Your Own Universe - The Book
You can find out more about my book by clicking here

,I was born in Bacau, Romania, in 1981. I grew up with my parents and my 2 little siblings in a 2-bed flat until the age of 14, when I went to a boarding school for 5 years and then to University across the country. I didn’t really enjoy school – it was something I had to do because my parents were working hard to pay for it, and I didn’t want to disappoint them.
One day I woke up and decided I had to do something with my life and detach from the financial connection with my parents, so I’ve started working for others as a bartender, shelf stacker in supermarkets, labourer on construction sites, line assembly “robot”, salesman etc. – but nothing seemed to bring me any joy nor satisfaction.
Fast forward to 2009, I moved to the UK to live my “dream life” and I started that as a taxi driver. I was self-employed and able to choose my working hours. After 3 years I changed my path again and discovered the long beautiful journeys across the country as a courier for another 4 years. Been offered an employed position which I took as I never miss an opportunity. Quickly promoted twice in the first year and landed on the position of Operations Manager. For 2 years I discovered my love for helping others.
In 2019, I quit my job and started the study of personal development and mentorship. I’ve been through programs and books of the big names in the contemporary world of personal development like Marry Morrisey, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, Jack Canfield, Mike Dooley, and also the icons of the history: Wallace D. Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Earl Nightingale, etc.
Whilst going through all these I felt like something was missing and that’s when I met my mentor, Sheena Cantar, from whom I learned the importance of the “human touch” in the personal development and how important is to have a mentor/ coach whilst chasing your dreams.
Working with Sheena, I learned that the best way to succeed is to help others succeed, so I started building programs that help people, regardless of position, age, or location, and set in motion my mission of touching the lives of millions across the world.
In my wish to help as many people as I can, I wrote my first book, YOU and Your Own Universe, which has the aim to empower the readers to live a happy and fulfilled life.
I make it my mission to bring joy to people everywhere I go.
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